The demand for Disneyland packages hugely increases in the summer and any other holidays, which unfortunately means that a lot of families will be forced to pay more than what they normally would for this family vacation. Thankfully there are a few things you can do to seek out the best deals.
1 – Start with Disneyland Itself
Although you may be tempted to look to third party websites to find the cheapest Disneyland packages, it’s well worth starting with the official Disneyland website. Doing so means you’ll have a firm grasp of what they charge for different types of packages.
When you do, you can get on the phone and talk to a representative, letting them know your requirements. They’ll often be able to come up with tailored deals. Make a note of the prices so you have something to compare to when you look elsewhere. Continue reading
Cheap vacations for kids in the summer aren’t always easy to come by. But if you’re desperate to get away and don’t have much money to spend, here are five different types of vacation that are guaranteed to save you money.
1 – Camping
Camping is great fun for kids, and one of the cheapest vacation options available! It can become a real adventure as you spend a lot of time in the outdoors and make do on the most basic facilities. And, it’s a great opportunity for a lot of family time spent playing games together!
2 – A Vacation In Your Home Town
Otherwise known as the “staycation”, this idea has been popular throughout the recession. All it means is that, instead of going to a different country or part of the country, you should stay in your hometown as if you were a tourist. Continue reading