A lot of people put on weight over the winter months. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and with a little effort the weight can come off.
Whether you are battling the dreaded freshman 15, you just want to look good on a bathing suit or you are trying to maintain a healthy weight, these 3 tips for losing weight this summer can help.
Motivation is key to any weight loss plan, you have to truly want it and commit or you won’t be able to stick to it in the long run.
Tip 1 – Walk
That’s right walking is a free, natural and effective way to begin shedding those unwanted pounds. If you live in a city choosing to walk instead of riding a bus or driving is an excellent way to get in a little extra work out time. This may not always be possible so make sure to set aside an hour or so a day to take a walk. Continue reading
We are all aware that fruits and vegetables are good for us, especially if we are on weight loss programs. As we keep eating more sweets and junk food, it’s no surprise that our body fats grow.
Fruits and vegetables, aid in digestion and thus increase our metabolism which in return helps your body process calories faster so you can burn more fat.
Drinking water coupled with a healthy diet is the strategy for a healthier more attractive looking body.
A majority of doctors agree we should all have 8 glasses of water a day and fruit juices are great as well.
Fruit juices speed up weight loss and keep most diseases at bay all the while providing you with a delicious treat that can be refreshing during the summer months. Continue reading