Saving money on food during the summer vacation can be very difficult for a number of reasons. The children might be home all day, or need to bring packed lunches and snacks if they go to day camp. And if you want to spend the day as a family outside of the house, you will all need three meals a day. This can seem like torture if the weather is hot.
Fortunately, there are several ways to save money on food during the summer. Here are some ideas.
DON’T Eat Fast Food
Pound for pound, it is a lot cheaper to make your own food at home, and it will be healthier too. Experiment in making your own healthy special sauce, or a great homemade pizza, and you can save a bundle. Continue reading
You don’t have to leave your clean eating regimen behind when you leave for vacation. You want to celebrate getting away from it all and rejuvenate yourself – and experience new things and new foods.
But, you can do all that and still not sabotage your body by breaking totally away from the clean eating plan.
If you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet or lose weight, you may be uneasy about eating in a strange environment. Food may also be especially tempting to you because it’s new and different.
Here are some ways you can resist sabotaging all your efforts and still enjoy the food on your vacation: Continue reading