Essential Oils Insect Repellent Tips and Recipes In the summer, we’re faced with the ever-growing population of insects. Each year there seems to be more and more different varieties of every species. Ticks, mosquitoes, flying insects, creepy crawlies, and bugs that eat through every plant in your yard.

Fight back against these pesky critters with your own, do-it-yourself blends of essential oils that repel insects. Whether you want a spray for your plants, a candle to repel insects while you’re enjoying your evenings outside, or a lotion to soothe and repel, one of these recipes will fill the need.

Of course, you can use your own special blend of essential oils for your specific requirements. But if you need some creative ideas and recipes for bug repellent, here are a few suggestions:

For mosquitoes, use a blend of two or more of the following: citronella, peppermint, lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, basil, thyme, lemongrass, geranium or clove.

For ticks, mix up a blend of geranium, juniper, rosewood, grapefruit or other citrus; thyme or oregano.

For fleas, try combining two or three from the following: geranium, rosewood, juniper, thyme, citrus, or oregano.

For flies and gnats, use a mixture of lavender, rosemary, spearmint or peppermint, patchouli, lemongrass or citronella.

As you can see, many of the same essential oils can be used to repel different insects, making it convenient to mix up a single batch.


Insect Repellent Recipes

Insect Repellent Spray for Humans

1 teaspoon witch hazel or vodka
1 teaspoon carrier oil such as avocado oil or sweet almond oil
20 to 30 drops of a blend of essential oils
small spray bottle
1 1 /2 Tablespoons distilled water

In the small bottle, mix everything together and shake well. Recipe can be easily doubled to make a larger batch. As with all essential oil products, avoid getting in your mouth or in the eyes.


Garden Pest Repellent Spray

3 Tablespoons up to 1/4 cup liquid dish soap such as Dawn
20 drops essential oil, blend of two or more
1 gallon of water
Mix into a one-gallon pump sprayer. Store in a dark, cool place.


Easy Insect Repellent Candle

1 jar (mason jar, recycled pickle jar or any other pretty jar)
1 floating tea light candle (can be unscented or citronella scented)
Sprig of rosemary plant
1-2 slices each of lemon and limes
Filtered water
10-15 drops of essential oil blends including citronella

Fill the jar almost to the top with water. Place 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil blend. Stir to blend well. Add lemon and lime slices to the water. Add rosemary sprig to the water. Put the floating candle on the top of the water. If using tea lights, remove them from the container they come in, and set the candle on the water. Light when you are ready to use.


Insect Repellent Lotion

8 drops each of tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, and lemongrass essential oil.
6 drops each citronella and eucalyptus or lavender essential oil
4 ounces of fractionated coconut oil.

Mix essential oils together in a small bowl. Add the oils to the coconut oil. Put into a pretty container like a small glass jar. Allow the mixture to harden. To use, scoop out and spread it on your skin before you go outdoors.


Super Easy Lemongrass Bug Repellent Lotion

2 ounce jar or bottle
Unscented lotion
5-7 drops lemongrass essential oil (can add other oils for a different blend)

Fill the bottle with the unscented lotion. Add the essential oil. Mix thoroughly. Store tightly capped.


Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Roaches

Cockroaches are one of the nastiest insects to invade your home. They transmit disease and spread bad bacteria onto every surface of your home. Once they get in, it’s hard to get them out.

Of course, you can call the exterminator to come in with toxic chemicals to kill the roaches. But those chemicals aren’t good for you, your kids, or your pets. The better option is to use some form of natural home remedy to get rid of roaches permanently.

In fact, the indications from a scientific study about catnip essential oil by Iowa State University (source: concluded that the essential oils found in catnip is more effective at repelling roaches than the commonly used insect repellent containing DEET. According to Chris Peterson, an entomologist from Iowa State University, catnip has a definite repellent ability.

Catnip for Roaches

Catnip, a popular herb that seems very addictive for cats, is a perennial plant that has a minty smell. It’s excellent for repelling insects like mosquitoes and cockroaches. Catnip, also known as catmint, is a member of the mint family.

You have several options for trying catnip as a roach repellent:

  • Use the leaves fresh or dried, placing them throughout your home.
  • Soak catnip leaves in hot water to make a tea, and pour into a spray bottle. Spray into areas where you’ve spotted roaches.
  • Add catnip essential oil to a homemade or store-bought, bug repellent spray that contains other essential oils, and spray affected areas.
  • Create a spray to repel roaches by combining two parts water with one part white vinegar plus 5 drops of peppermint oil and 5 drops of catnip.
  • Sew together small sachets of catnip leaves and place them around your home to repel roaches. Catnip doesn’t actually kill the roaches, but it will prevent them from coming back after you’ve gotten rid of them by other means.
Where Should You Spray Catnip for Roaches?

Ideal areas to spray with catnip and mint insect repellent include around and under appliances, cracks where roaches can enter your house, in corners and kitchen cabinets, behind electrical outlet covers and anywhere food and pet food is stored.

Other Common Herbs and Essential Oils to Repel Roaches

  • Bay leaves contain a compound called eucalyptol that repels roaches and other insects. Put fresh bay leaves around your kitchen and behind appliances.
  • Rosemary can be used fresh to repel roaches. Place 2 to 3 sprigs of rosemary around the house where roaches are likely to be.
  • Cinnamon essential oil is toxic to adult roach females and the small and large nymphs.
  • Cypress oil, peppermint oil, tea tree essential oil and eucalyptus oil are all good for repelling roaches when used in a spray.
  • The best defense against roaches is to keep everything clean, discard cardboard (roaches love cardboard!) and spray with catnip to keep roaches from entering your home in the first place.


Control Ticks with Eucalyptus and Citrus Essential Oils

It happens almost every year. The tick outbreak is worse than the year before. They get on you, your kids, even the dogs bring them in. You’ve tried the commercial repellents but are concerned about the chemicals. It’s time to try a natural tick repellent instead.

Ticks are a major concern. They feed on the blood of mammals, carrying diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. It’s important for your health, and the health of your kids and pets, to repel ticks whenever you venture outdoors.

Natural Tick Repellents

Most natural tick repellents can be made with essential oils and other common household items that serve as a good alternative to commercial repellents. The synthetic insecticides you can purchase commercially may cause skin irritation, dizziness or even disorientation if they aren’t applied correctly.

The solution to avoid these chemicals is to create your own natural repellent using eucalyptus and citrus essential oils. These two oils, along with others like lavender, juniper, oregano and clove oil, are useful in repelling ticks. They can be compared to DEET for their effectiveness. They will need to be applied more often though.

Lemon Eucalyptus oil works well in preventing tick and mosquito bites. Mix together 30 drops of the oil with 4 ounces of witch hazel or cider vinegar. Apply to your arms, neck, ankles and waist.

If you know you’re going to be around the woods or in tall grass, going camping or hiking, make your own bug repellent rub-on. Here’s a recipe to try:

Rub-On Tick Repellent Recipe
  • Carrier oil like avocado oil, sweet almond oil or coconut oil, about 2 tablespoons.
  • 10 to 20 drops of essential oils. Use a combination of eucalyptus oil, lemon or other citrus oil, or peppermint essential oils.

Pour into a small bottle. Shake well. Rub a small amount of the oil on any exposed skin. The ticks will stay away. An added bonus: your skin will be soft and nourished.

Here’s a recipe for natural essential oil repellent spray to keep ticks off your dog. Keep in mind that your dog’s sense of smell is more acute than your own. To avoid causing him problems with his nose and prevent skin irritation, use a high-grade essential oil diluted in a solution of water.

Flea and Tick Repellent for Dogs

1 /2 cups of white or apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of almond oil
10 to 20 drops each of Rose Geranium essential oil and citrus essential oil
5 drops of lavender or peppermint essential oil
Distilled water, enough to finish filling container

Mix together and pour into a dark colored spray bottle.

To use, spray on your dog, making sure to stay away from nose, mouth, and other sensitive areas. Apply often when pets are outdoors.

Ticks don’t have to ruin your outdoor fun. Keep a spray bottle of eucalyptus and citrus essential oil tick repellent spray on hand, to use as necessary. With a bit of advance prep, even you can keep ticks away this summer… naturally.


Get Rid of Moths Naturally with Essential Oils

Thinking ahead to fall weather? It’s a time when the air gets a bit cooler and we need just a little extra layer to keep us warm. We dig out our favorite sweaters and blankets only to find them filled with holes left from hungry moths. Perhaps we might have prevented this with a few home remedies using essential oils.

The traditional way to get rid of moths involves using smelly moth balls which contain a chemical substance called napthalene. Moth balls may work, but do you really want your clothes smelling like “old people,” who are notorious for filing their dresser drawers and clothes closets with noxious smelling moth balls? Moth balls can be toxic to humans and pets. A better alternative (which also happens to smell a whole lot better) is to use natural products like essential oils to repel moths.

Start By Vacuuming

Moth larvae can hide in your carpet, under furniture and even in the corners of your cabinets. So your first order of business before you even begin to tackle the stored blankets and sweaters, is to thoroughly vacuum everything. Don’t just run the vacuum over the middle of the rugs. If you want to get rid of moths, it all starts with a thorough, wall to wall vacuuming effort, including use of the vacuum attachment in those corners and crevices.

Repeat this daily for about a week, and remember to change the vacuum bag after each use. If you don’t, the baby moths are likely to hatch and continue multiplying while making themselves comfortable in your curtains, sweater drawer and such.

Discard any open grain-based products since moth larvae will eat their way into the bags. Store your grains in closed containers like mason jars.

Machine-wash your clothes and blankets before you store them. Protein from food particles, stains and dried skin flakes make a tasty snack for bugs, and will attract moths to your things. After washing, dry your bedding in the sun if possible. Or, you can place in the clothes dryer and be sure to run for an extra long time so that everything is not only dry, but any remaining insect larvae will perish in the heat. Stash away in sealed containers.

For the repellent, add a few drops of essential oil to cotton balls and add to the container before sealing. You can also make your own, homemade essential oil sachet pillows to place in the bags along with your stored fabric items.

How to make your own moth repellent sachets:

Fill fabric or muslin pouches or purchased empty tea bags (bath tea bags are a good size to use) with moth-repelling dried herbs and essential oils like rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, eucalyptus or ginseng. Every couple of months or so, refresh the pouches with more essential oil.

Scatter the sachets among your folded wool blankets and sweaters. The scent is what deters the moths from taking up residence in your clothes.

Another option if you have hanging clothes like woolen coats is to spray them with a mix of essential oils that naturally repel moths. This super easy recipe for making an intoxicating spray happens to smell wonderful to most humans… but the moths hate it.

Fragrant Water Spray
  • About a Tablespoon of essential oils (feel free to experiment, mixing the scents you like and that repel moths best. Some options include lavender, cedar, clove, sandalwood, eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, orange blossom, geranium, lemongrass, grapefruit, or bergamot)
  • 1 / 2 ounce of distilled alcohol (this helps the water and oil mix) or use vodka
  • 16-ounce glass spray bottle (some essential oils will melt plastic ones)
  • Distilled water or a mixture of distilled water and rosewater to fill the bottle

Mix all the ingredients in the bottle. Shake well.

To use: Spray about 2 to 3 feet from your wool and fabric items.

You don’t have to give up your beloved sweaters, homemade knitted hats and scarves, or woolen pants to those hungry, pesky moths. Take the natural way to repel them using essential oils.


Fight Fleas with Natural Essential Oils

Summertime brings with it the outbreak of insect infestations. One pest that bothers both humans and pets is the dreaded flea. It’s hard fighting these pesky little things when they are on our pets, in our homes and jumping all over our bodies. We could get the commercial flea prevention and killer, but these are often made with toxic chemicals and can be costly.

What are your options for getting rid of fleas without chemicals?

Creating a blend of essential oils that will repel fleas is a good option for anyone wanting to go the natural route. There are several essential oils like that have been known to work at repelling fleas. Among them are lemongrass, citronella, geranium and rosemary oils.

The type of essential oil you choose will depend on what you are using it for and on. For instance, certain essential oils can be toxic to cats and dogs, while others should not be used around children. If you are using them as a spray to repel fleas in your home around furniture, then some essential oils work better than others. Try these recipes the next time you see a flea or suspect you may have come into contact with a person or animal who may spread fleas to you or your family members.

Lemongrass for Flea Control

Lemongrass essential oil contains insecticidal properties that can repel fleas and other insects. It’s a great choice for different types of use from sprays to candles.

How to use: A popular way to use lemongrass essential oil is to put in a diffuser. The fleas will catch a whiff and stay away. It can be used on animals if diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and gently sprayed or massaged into your pet’s skin.

Citronella – The Natural Insect Repellent

Citronella essential oil is a popular ingredient of many natural insect repellents, including flea collars. It doesn’t kill the fleas but masks the animal scents that attract the fleas in the first place.

How to use: Add 2 drops of citronella oil to your pet’s shampoo and use each time you give him or her a bath.

Rosemary Oil Repels Fleas

Rosemary essential oil comes from the rosemary herb plant. It can kill and repel many varieties of insects including fleas. However, it is toxic to cats so do not use around them.

How to use: Make a rosemary essential oil flea collar. Simply add 3 drops of oil to a teaspoon vodka. Mix well. Soak a cloth or nylon collar in the solution until absorbed. Let dry until just damp then put it on your pet.

Add a few drops of rosemary to your pet’s shampoo. When used in shampoo, rosemary essential oil can condition your pet’s fur to make it shinier. It also stimulates hair growth while repelling fleas.

Geranium Essential Oil for Fleas

Geranium is a pleasant-scented essential oil that has insect repelling properties against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. This oil comes from a different cultivar of geranium plant than the potted flowers you may be used to seeing by the same name. Some home improvement stores have begun marketing this type of geranium plant as the “mosquito plant”, but the proper name is actually geranium. It’s safe to use in essential oils form, with cats as well as dogs.

How to use: Make a flea trap to capture fleas. Add 5 to 8 drops geranium essential oil into a shallow pan (a disposable pie pan works well) filled partially with water. Shine some sort of light over the pan to lure the fleas. Empty the water with the fleas every day.

Make a homemade flea repellent. Add slices of lemon to boiled water, letting it sit out overnight. Next day, pour into a spray bottle and add about 8 drops of geranium essential oil. Shake well. Spray on your pet, avoiding eyes, nose, mouth and groin area. You can also use geranium spray on his or her bed and any furniture where your pet may rest.

Which Essential Oils are Dangerous to Use as a Pet or Personal Insect Repellent?

Take care to only use safe ingredients when mixing up batches of homemade insect repellent to use on your pets or your little people. The following essential oils can be toxic to either dogs or cats:

Tea Tree

When in doubt about whether or not to include a certain essential oil in a homemade insect repellent recipe for your dog, cat or other pet, do some fact-checking via the internet before going ahead with your plan.

Fleas can infest your pet and home very quickly. The good news is, they can be controlled with essential oils that repel or kill them. These should be used with caution around your pets and small children, though, as some of them can be toxic.