Summer for Kids

If you’re struggling to find ways to keep your older children occupied when they’re not at school, then finding summer jobs for kids could be the perfect solution.

As long as your child is old enough, getting them working outside of the house can give them independence and teach them valuable lessons about money.

What Jobs are Suitable for a Child?

Depending on how old your child is, they’re probably not going to be putting together a resume and applying to local businesses just yet. Their first jobs should be relatively easy – they aren’t going to pay a fortune, but to a child the freedom of earning their own money is a great thrill!

Here are a few ideas for the perfect summer jobs for kids that don’t require any long term commitment: Continue reading

Summer cruises can be an excellent option for families who want to get away during the summer break. Choosing the right cruise means you’ll have a whole host of activities ready for you and the kids to enjoy.

But, planning your first ever cruise can be a little bit daunting for those who have never done it before. Here is a quick guide to get you started.

Use a Travel Agent

If you are really unsure of how to go about finding the best summer cruises then using a travel agent could be your best option.

They will be able to talk to you about your requirements and match you to a cruise that caters to the whole family. However, travel agents do take a commission so your cruise will end up costing you more this way. Continue reading