Summer activities mean time spent outdoors. And you know spending time outdoors means the possibility of bug bites.
You want to protect your child from bugs, but you don’t want to use sprays that could be dangerous. What are your options?
Even if your child is outside wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, there are no guarantees mosquitoes won’t bite.
In fact, mosquitoes can bite right through clothing. It’s important to teach your children not to swat at insects that sting or bite.
Bug sprays have used DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) for years. This chemical compound, approved and endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is effective for repelling insects.
However, there has been some concern about using DEET on children. DEET-based products provide protection for two to ten hours. Continue reading
Swimming is a fantastic exercise. It helps build stamina, keeps your joints and muscles supple, develops strength and releases stress.
Swimming is also quite therapeutic and many people feel very relaxed from being in water. It’s a great way to unwind and even come up with creative ideas for life and work.
Here are a few more reasons why swimming is a great all-around exercise:
Keeps You Healthy
Swimming is a great way of building up cardiovascular health. It also helps reduce weight and tone your body.
If you find going to the gym or running isn’t great for you, why not give swimming a try? You can start slowly and build up to a higher level at your own pace. Continue reading