Sunburns occur when you get prolonged exposure to the sun, usually without protecting your skin properly. Even if you wore sunscreen, you might have forgot to reapply after a few hours.
Luckily, there are some ways to make your own sunburn relief products.
Potato-based Sunburn Products
This might be one of the more surprising options on this list when you want to help treat your sunburn with natural products. While potatoes are not what the mind goes to when you think of home remedies for burns, they can also help very well.
Potatoes have been used for medicinal properties for a long time, as they soothe cuts and scrapes, relieve the pain from burns, and can reduce inflammation on the skin. Continue reading
They are nasty little creatures that we often don’t see but can make us very sick indeed. We are talking about ticks and how their bite can ruin your day.
We are told not to let the bedbugs bite, but what about ticks? When the weather gets warm, they can come out in droves.
Trees are not just pretty to look at or sit under to get cool; they become places where you can encounter ticks.
Ticks can be either hard or soft shelled. They have several segmented legs like spiders. A tick’s primary source of food is blood. It doesn’t have to be your blood.
They have no particular affinity for humans, but you might be the source of their next meal if you are nearby. Continue reading