Taking care of your child’s skin in the summertime can require a little thought and effort. Children love playing outside as much as possible in the summertime and they should.
However, you need to work hard to protect them from sunburn and injury in order to ensure that the summer is long and fun.
Always Apply Sun Screen
Find a child friendly sunscreen and use it. Reapply as often and use as much as the directions say to use.
In most cases, you’ll need to apply an entire ounce of sunscreen every couple of hours if playing outside for a long time. Continue reading
Summer is a time to relax and have fun. But that fun can stop in a hot second when something bad happens to a family member or friend. Don’t let anything ruin your summer fun by following a few simple summer safety tips.
Stay Safe In the Sun
The sun can be intense in the summer, particularly in the middle of the day. Add to that the fact that we wear shorts and tank top leaving lots of skin exposed and it’s no wonder that sun damage and sunburns happen all summer long.
Aside from being uncomfortable, sunburns can increase your risk for skin cancer. Wear protective clothing, stay in the shade, and apply sunscreen regularly to avoid getting burned. Continue reading