Vacation time is just around the corner. Yay! The summer heat may have you looking for a way to escape to a place with cool breezes and lots of refreshing water.
If you’re lucky, you will be making your way to the beach for fun in the sun and riding the waves.
If you’re going to spend time at the beach and intend to play in the surf, here’s what you need to know about swimming in oceans.
Following these tips could make your vacation fun, safe, and memorable.
Also, adhering to these basic safety measures could actually mean life (or staying alive) – as opposed to the grim alternative if they are ignored – for you or a family member. Continue reading
In the summer, kids are out of school and looking for something to do. If you have a young child, then you will have your hands full. Here are some ideas for summer crafts to keep them busy.
Summer is about having fun. And, kids love to do just that. Crafts allow kids to learn skills while they have fun.
If your toddler is getting ready for school in a year or two, your ideas could teach them spatial recognition, how to identify colors, how to identify shapes, and how to work independently.
You may be surprised at how much your child’s identity comes through their work.
So, without further ado, here are some craft ideas: Continue reading