Have you ever heard your teen say that he or she is bored? During the summer you may hear more of the same. Devise craft ideas to help stop the boredom and even create a new hobby for your teens.
You may feel that summer crafts are only for little kids, but teens can benefit from activities that engage their hands as well as their minds.
During the summer, all that information they learned at school the previous year seems to leak out little by little until they are starting again when the new educational year rolls around.
Summer crafts can help put that brain to work. Here are some ideas that you can use. Maybe your kids will think of a few of their own. Continue reading
Just one sunburn in your child’s life can drastically increase their chances of getting cancer. Skin cancer can be a deadly disease that can destroy the quality of life, appearance, and also take the life of the sufferer.
It’s also something that you can work toward protecting your child from if you understand the true severity of allowing your child to get a sunburn, even once, during their childhood.
Always Apply Sunscreen
Sunscreen is something that is very important to use and take seriously. Read the labels and use the right sunscreen for your child’s age group, and apply exactly as directed to ensure that it works as the package states.
In addition, remember to reapply as often as the package states and after your child swims or sweats a lot of it off. This will ensure that your child’s skin is always covered with the sunscreen so that they won’t sunburn. Continue reading