There’s nothing worse for parents than to hear, “I’m bored” or, “I have nothing to do,” especially when children are home on summer vacation. It can be a real challenge to keep them occupied, particularly if you are on a tight budget.
Fortunately, there are lots of projects, arts and crafts they can get involved with, most of which don’t require too much supervision and will keep them busy and away from the TV.
Summer Fashion Show
It’s the end of a school year and the start of summer. If you haven’t recently sorted out their clothes to see what fits and what doesn’t, now is the time to have a summer fashion show. If it fits, great. If not, either throw it away if it is in bad condition, or donate it as a hand-me-down or at a swap shop. Continue reading
Summer camp is a great way to keep children occupied during the summer vacation, but there are financial pros and cons that need to be considered carefully.
1 – The Pros
Children are Supervised
The children are supervised all day so working parents don’t have to worry about who is caring for them, or how they are going to manage if they only get a couple of weeks’ worth of vacation each year but the kids are out of school for 10 to 12 weeks.
Camp will usually work out cheaper than daycare or a childminder due to all of the variety of being in a camp. Continue reading