Few things beat the summer heat like a refreshing smoothie. Smoothies are also a great way to get fresh fruits into your diet, and kids tend to like them, too.
The following recipes are enough for approximately two smoothies. You can increase or decrease the ingredients to vary the amount and the taste.
Smoothies are very forgiving – if you don’t have some of the ingredients listed below, you can leave them out or try something comparable (rice milk instead of almond milk, for instance, or vanilla yogurt instead of plain).
Leftover smoothies can be frozen in ice cube trays (use them in your next smoothie) or popsicle molds.
Here are some ideas for a frosty, healthy summer treat: Continue reading
How do you like your juices and smoothies? Most people can be completely content with the regular everyday fruit that you see in lots of recipes online. One thing for sure though, is that if you’ve seen one banana, you’ve probably seen most of what banana have to offer in the land of fruit.
Fortunately, there are a lot of other choices that you can enjoy if you know where to look. Lots of specialty stores have become the sources for more exotic fruits and vegetables for your smoothies and juices.
Sun Love Smoothie
Do you feel like you need a vacation? Well, then this smoothie might be able to help get you there. The sun love smoothie is high in carbs and sugar, but these sugars are coming from amazing sources of easily accessible nutrients. Continue reading