Having a middle school-aged child you need to keep busy throughout the summer can be a real challenge. They are maturing and their idea of fun is changing compared to when they were younger.
One of the biggest battles is to get them away from their computers, TVs and cell phones and out into the fresh air and wider world.
1 – Summer Camp
Summer camp is often the best solution for working parents in the summer. Children will get to do all sorts of activities, including sports and arts and crafts. The Y has many affordable camps around the country.
Compare the facilities. Some have a pool and the children will be allowed to swim every day, compared with only once or twice a week in other places. Continue reading
When it gets hot outside what’s your favorite drink? During the warmer months, it’s a pretty normal thing to see people walking with all sorts of frozen treats like ice creams and frozen yogurt.
Even though they are very delicious, a lot of those kinds of store bought treats can be very high in sugar, which can be a problem for some people, so maybe they could something more natural like a smoothie?
Smoothies are great tasting and are full of essential nutrients that your body needs. The next article will explore the best summertime smoothies.
Blueberry Smoothie
There’s never a time when a blueberry smoothie is a bad idea unless you’re allergic to blueberries. Blueberries are heavily antioxidant and have a wonderfully natural sweet taste. Continue reading